Black Friday digital marketing tactics

When it comes to digital marketing ideas for the fall, Black Friday should not be overlooked. If you are looking for ways to make your Black Friday digital marketing campaigns stand out, you can get a little help from Denver marketing and media services. It is a good idea for companies to get an early start because it can be one of the busiest times of the year.
Starting your Black Friday marketing early can be immensely beneficial. A report found that 54% of consumers start their holiday shopping before Black Friday. Our Denver marketing and media services team wants to share some digital marketing ideas that will help boost your Black Friday sales.
What is Black Friday?
Black Friday is the holiday that takes place right after Thanksgiving Day, which is always the last Thursday in November. This day is an annual shopping holiday where businesses offer discounts and unofficially kick off the holiday season.
Many businesses participate in Black Friday because it offers them a ton of benefits. Some of the opportunities that Black Friday offers include clearing up inventory, gaining new first-time customers and increasing revenue.
The key to achieving these benefits is creating a successful digital marketing campaign. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing.
Black Friday marketing ideas for businesses
Use social media to promote your sales and products
Social media is a strong marketing tool that can help get your message across to your target audience. Businesses should create a social media marketing strategy to promote their Black Friday sale. You should create social media posts that highlight your products, a Facebook event or an Instagram story countdown to promote your sale.
Start your Black Friday sale early
Most companies believe that you can only make Black Friday sales on Black Friday. But, some companies are breaking the norm by beginning their Black Friday sales earlier. There are many benefits to launching your Black Friday sale early, such as allowing local shoppers the opportunity to shop your store before they leave for the holidays.
Create a landing page
Creating a landing page is a great way to promote your Black Friday sales and products. This kind of page is a standalone web page that is used for marketing or advertising campaigns. A landing page can help you display your Black Friday sale information or unique products more effectively. A bonus is that this page will help you better track your campaigns. You can track where people are coming from, how long they spend on your page and more!
Do doorbuster deals
If one of your Black Friday marketing goals is to get more people through your business’s doors, then offer doorbuster deals. These are deals that are only offered in your store. You can promote this sale through social media posts or email blasts. Do not be afraid to do these sales throughout the holiday shopping season.
Get Denver marketing and media services from Denver Media Group!
If you need extra help creating and tracking your marketing ideas for the holiday season, let us help. Our team of experienced marketing professionals can help you strategize, execute and manage your marketing campaigns. Contact us today!
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing