Leverage paid ads on Google

If you have ever worked with a marketing consultant or a search marketing Denver agency, you have probably heard of Google Ads or PPC ads.
The financial investment into Google Ads is one of the best options for a number of companies in a larger range of industries because Google is the largest search engine out there. While Bing and other alternative search engines do bring in website traffic based on the target audience for said companies and their industries, most will still go to Google.
A company often finds themselves asking if, “Google Ads is right for our marketing strategy”? More times than not the answer is yes!
This is why companies should leverage their marketing strategies with paid advertising on Google Ads!
How to get started
Search marketing in Denver
As a company, you have been searching to increase ROI and bring in more website traffic, and Google Ads can help with that, but a budget should be kept in mind. Whether this budget is $300 or $10,000, it is important to know the segmented advertisements that a company is looking to run over the course of the marketing campaign.
The biggest thing to remember is that you pay for each click - even if they do not purchase or fill out the form on the landing page. And for industries that have a more competitive and higher cost per click in Google Ads, this could be a bit problematic, but this is why keyword research is imperative.
Get the budget set in stone, figure out the end goal for each campaign or continuation of one campaign and from there have a search marketing Denver agency help strategize the plan.
The very second step is to create a Google Ads account. The best part about utilizing any Google Suite and advertising is the account itself is free. This way it does not eat into the budget that a company has set for their advertising.
How to leverage paid ads
The first step in leveraging Google ads is verifying that keywords are the best for the advertisement. This is because the ads run off the keywords that are in place including the cost per click a company will pay for.
Those who are using Google Ads for the research and launching of the advertisements should review the suggested keywords that Google provides as well. This is because they could be lower volume, more targeted keywords and cost a company less money per click.
Another reason for this is based on the Google AdRank. If this is the first time running Google Ads, and the industry has a history of advertising, your ad could be rejected simply because it will not make it on the advertising sections.
While those larger, broader keywords are what companies levitate towards, it could be better at the end of the campaign to use suggested keywords for those several reasons above.
A common question that consumers have is, “I searched on Google for X item and now I am seeing this everywhere.” That is a marketing strategy. If a customer does not convert into a sale, a company can retarget marketing ads on different platforms and websites that can remind them about the product.
Even the casual visitor who keeps coming to the website, but doesn’t convert could be persuaded to finally purchase the product. While this does cost a bit of extra money in the budget, it could be worth the investment.
Pivot with the market
Google recommends that all companies running campaigns for longer than one week log into their ad account at a minimum of once per week. While Google manages the budget, new ads could have come into the market, which could drive the cost. This is an ever-changing environment and it is important to maximize the budget with a bit of a switch.
This is why our recommendation would be to hire an agency or company that can manage PPC advertising due to these leveraging options that take a bit more strategic experience and overall advertising experience.
Contact our search marketing Denver team for more information!
Posted In: SEO and Search Marketing