Three ways to improve your company’s branding

What do major brands like Coca-Cola, Apple and Nike all have in common? They are beloved by millions, thanks to their unforgettable branding. What exactly is branding?
This term describes a concept that identifies a company, product or individual. This concept includes anything from the color palette, logo, story or slogan. An example of a brand with good branding is Nike. They have made themselves a household name with their unforgettable logo and slogan - “Just do it.”
Do you also want to make your brand more memorable? It is time to get Denver marketing and media services and use this advice on how to better brand your company.
Why is branding so important?
Whether you are already a well-established business or a start-up, your goal should be to establish a strong brand. Having good branding helps your business in the long run by making you stand out from the competition, establishing an emotional connection and increasing sales.
Developing a strong brand can help you differentiate yourself from the competition. That means being able to identify what is unique about your business - experience, messaging or product.
Another reason why branding is so important is to build an emotional connection between your brand and the consumer. Through your brand’s unique story or messaging, you can evoke an emotional connection with the audience that will keep them coming back.
A good example of this is Nike, who inspires their audience to accomplish more through their products. You can see this in their countless commercials on how not giving up can lead you to accomplish more.
Ways to improve your company’s branding
Determine your company’s aesthetic
The first thing a person might see from your company is your website’s design or social media. First impressions matter, so make sure your company’s branding is consistent. Customers do not want to see inconsistent colors and logos. A report shows that having consistent branding increases your revenue by 23 percent. You want to determine your brand’s color scheme and aesthetic. It will help your brand become more recognizable.
Establish or define your brand identity
Branding goes beyond just the colors and logo. The first step to improving your brand is understanding your brand’s identity. Having a unique brand identity will help your company stand out from the competition. To establish or define your brand’s identity, you should ask yourself these questions:
Why does your company exist?
What is your company’s story?
What’s your brand’s voice?
Stay active on social media
A great tool for improving your company’s branding is through the use of social media. By staying active and relevant on social media, you can increase your company’s social proof. Customers love to see companies stay active and authentic on social media. Stay active by posting frequently and interacting with your audience.
Get the help of the best Denver marketing and media services!
Do you want to improve your company’s brand? Let Denver Media Group help you accomplish that with the help of our marketing experts. We can provide you with insights on how to improve your already existing brand or help to develop one for your startup. Contact us to get started.
Posted In: Social Media and Digital Marketing