Denver Media Group

Colorado National Guard

The Colorado National Guard Family Program is a conglomerate of offices that has been put in place to support the Service Members and Families of the Colorado National Guard. The Family Program Office is here to assist Service Members and their Families in enjoying a positive military experience.

The desired outcome is that National Guard Families are independent and self-reliant during any separation from their Service Member, are fully educated to handle emergencies when they occur, and they are able to support themselves and provide support to others.

Denver Media Group is a proud sponsor of the Colorado National Guard Family Program in the Denver, Colorado, Colroado Springs and other Colorado areas and strives to support ever Service Member, family member and Veteran in Colorado. DMG impact includes but is not limited to: Holiday Meal Assistance, Adopt-a-Family, and Santa Shop among others. 

We highly encourage everyone to get involved too! Thanks to the Colorado National Guard for their community support. 

Colorado National Guard

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