Denver Media Group

Email Marketing

Email marketing agency Denver 

Denver’s leading email marketing agency 

How many minutes or hours per week does a professional spend on their emails. It is estimated that a full-time employee spends every 37 minutes checking and answering their emails. This is just professional emails alone, not personal! 

In 2016, over half of the world’s population used email as a form of communication and this number has continued to skyrocket within the last couple of years. Now, a company does not need to reach half of the world’s population with an email, but it is important to keep in contact with your potential customers and current customers and email is the perfect way. 

Why does a company need email marketing? 

First things first, do not listen to any company out there who tells you that email marketing is traditional marketing that is going to die. Over 205 billion emails are sent each and every day and it is still one of the best marketing strategies that produce the highest return of investment (ROI)! 

Constant Contact states that, “for every one dollar you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38.”

What company out there does not want to put a dollar into a pot, come back and have $38.00 in this pot? Email marketing helps to build credibility with consumers while putting money back into the company. This is due to constantly being in front of consumers. If a consumer signs up for your email marketing campaigns, they want to learn more about products and/or services, so keep sending them those emails. 

Another reason is that a website alone will not produce sales and ROI on its own. A website that is not getting any traffic will not produce the outcome that a company is searching for, but with email marketing, this can get products and/or services in front of consumers on a larger and faster scale which in-return can help to increase website traffic and targeted website traffic.

Because email marketing is so important to the longevity of a company, Denver Media Group developed our own email marketing software that duels as an email marketing software and CRM for clients. 


Digital agency Denver 

Monstrous.Email is the perfect service for any company out there. Denver Media Group’s email marketing agency Denver experts are the first to tell any company out there that Monstrous.Email is a life changing system. 

Here are the reasons why: 

An Integrated CRM system

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is technology that allows for all networks and systems to speak to one another. It holds all sales and lead generation into one system for companies to understand where their ROI is coming from. With most system email marketing firms, you have to pay an additional fee for the email marketing system to speak with the CRM, but with Monstrous.Email, that isn’t something you have to worry about. A lead can trigger an automated email and keep that lead generation going. 

Email marketing segmentation 

One of the most important factors in a successful email marketing campaign is the art of segmentation. A company should send personalized and specific emails to certain clients. A client who has no interest in certain products and has spoken about this will not want that email marketing campaign. If this client continues to get this email, this could make them feel as if they are not valued as a client. 

It is as simple as creating a list and segmenting this list! Master the art of segmentation with Monstrous.Email! 

Who opened your emails? 

Monstrous.Email allows for a client to know exactly who sees their email, who they forward it to, their location, demographic and so much more! This can give any company one edge up on the competition. 

Email Marketing Automation

Automation is all around us. A robot picks parts in a warehouse and in the marketing world, automation is through scheduled posts and email marketing campaigns. At Denver Media Group, we use our email marketing management platform to schedule, publish and monitor all activity surrounding each of our client email marketing campaigns. Allowing us to monitor the activity surrounding your company, so you do not have to.

In conjunction with our Marketing Automation services, we can help automate your email marketing strategy alongside your other forms of marketing strategies. We can help take the guesswork out of the mix and get marketing automation strategies customized specifically for your business giving you back your time and allowing you to run your company. 

Let’s start email marketing now! Contact the leading email marketing agency Denver for help! 

We Make Email Marketing Management Easy!

For more information on Email Marketing, contact us today!

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